What We do
Life Options of West TN. Inc. is the answer to a less stressful and confusing life without worrying about bill payments. As a Representative Payee Company, Life Options handles all of these concerns for you. We handle all of your deposits, pay all of your bills, issue a spending money check each week, and make sure you have a predetermined amount placed into your savings each month. You even receive a monthly statement of your account, which shows all of the financial transactions and your balances at the end of the month.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Client Information
For faster service, download and complete this form, and bring it with you on your first visit to our office.
Budget Plan
Submit a Budget Plan to help us make sure that you have what you need, when you need it.
Read over our agreement so that you will know what to expect from us, and what is expected from you.
Get In Touch
Find us
556 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN 38105
[Directions]Call us
(901) 347-3972
(901) 907-0299